Scroll below to explore the worlds behind The Forest Grimm, the Bone Grace duology, and the Burning Glass series.
I had a little too much fun creating a very detailed Pinterest board for The Forest Grimm. Be sure to check it out! I have pictures that inspired every fairy tale character and some of the unique settings.
I write songs for every story I write. Here is “The Bridge Song,” dedicated to my star-crossed lovers, Ailesse and Bastien, in Bone Crier’s Moon.
Be sure to check out my extensive Pinterest board for Bone Crier’s Moon, where I have pictures that inspired me for every character, costume, setting, and all the many grace bones. Below is a collage of some of my favorite pics from my board.
The Troika
In case you’re wondering what a troika looks like, here is a lovely photo of one. Just imagine three white horses and Prince Anton driving the sleigh. 🙂
The Box Bed
While doing research for Burning Glass, I came across this picture of a strange box bed. I knew at once Sonya must have a bed like this in the palace. Unfortunately, hers is much more cramped and disturbing (and better at concealing hidden doors).
The Convent
I imagine the convent of the Auraseers looks something like the Ferapontov Monastery in Russia.
Song for Anton
I have a tradition of composing a song for every story I write. Here is my song for Burning Glass.
Mirror-Touch Synesthesia
There are people in this world who claim to be the type of empath Sonya is–feeling not only other people’s emotions, but also their physical sensations. Here are some great links about this phenomenon called “mirror-touch synesthesia.”
For more pictures that inspire and remind me of BURNING GLASS, check out my Pinterest page.